The Scottish Government has announced that more than £48 million will being invested in agricultural, food and environmental research during Scotland’s Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design.
Announcing the move, Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead said, “Scotland is globally renowned as a land of science and innovation, and this funding will ensure we maintain our position at the very cutting edge of advances in agriculture, food and the environment. The Scottish Government continues to be a major funder of research in these fields, investing almost £50 million a year in research into crop science, animal health and welfare, human health and wellbeing and global challenges like food security and climate change.
Professor Louise Heathwaite, Chief Scientific Adviser for Rural Affairs and the Environment added, “This national capability benefits the whole Scotland, adding value through partnerships with other research funders such as the UK Research Councils and the EU; with other areas of scientific expertise in Universities; and with users of science such as the farming community.”
The main strategic themes of the research funded are natural assets; productive & viable rural economies and; food, health and wellbeing.
Photo Caption: Richard Lochhead
Photo Credit: Scottish Government
The post £48m for farming research in Scotland appeared first on Hort News on 23 March 2016.