Tag Archives: Florette

Florette refreshes pack sizes

Branded salad company Florette has introduced an updated logo and new pack sizes in what it says is an effort to solve waste and inject growth into the leafy prepared salad category.

After commissioning research over a six month period, which the company described as, “intensive qualitative and quantitative research into consumer attitudes, purchase intent and pricing” it has developed a new ‘range blueprint.’

Neil Sanderson, managing director of Florette, commented, “Replacing ambiguous ‘serving numbers’ with pictures of salad portions on plates provides a new, clearer indication of how many platefuls, side portions and handfuls of product are contained within each bag.

“These tangible and understandable portion indicators make it easier for shoppers to judge how much product is in each bag, which informs how much they need to buy to suit their needs. Shoppers are telling us they want to find what they want easily, in order to buy what they need, and then use what they buy. We are responding responsibly to the desire for reduced wastage and making shopping for salads easier by optimising the pack sizes and prices of our key products.”

Florette hopes that the moves, which include pack size reductions from 200g to 170g, could generate growth in the sector worth more than £8 million.

The post Florette refreshes pack sizes appeared first on Hort News on 29 april 2015.