The BBC has announced that its popular Harvest programme will return this month with a three-part series hosted by Gregg Wallace, Philippa Forrester and new presenter, dairy farmer James Manning.
According to the broadcaster, each episode will focus on three different locations in the UK. The team will follow this critical time of year as the nation’s farmers find out whether their efforts have resulted in a successful yield, showing the impact that harvest can have on the food industry and everyday consumers. Among the producers featured in the new series are Thatcher’s cider in Somerset and Sussex-based sweetcorn grower Peter Barfoot.
28 year old North Herefordshire dairy farmer James commented, “For me, harvest is the time of year when all your hard work as a farmer pays off. All the ups and downs, the long nights and early mornings have all been working up to this moment. The best bit about filming for me has been meeting other farms, seeing the pride and pleasure they get at this time of year. It’s been fantastic to see British farmers trying new things and innovating the way they work to farm smarter, bigger and better than the year before.”