North eastern ice cream producer Beckleberry’s is launching a new sorbet which it hopes will cash in on blackcurrant’s reputation as a ‘super food’.
Growers also help that it will boost the profile of the fruit and increase demand. The Liquorice & Blackcurrant Sorbet will be pitched as an indulgent dessert with healthy benefits thanks to the fruit which is high in potassium, iron and antioxidants.
“We’ve always believed that when it comes to premium-tier desserts indulgence and health needn’t be mutually exclusive,” said Beckleberry’s MD Peter Craig. “We’ve always focused on more intense, adult-orientated palates, Tarragon & Passion Fruit, Sour Cherry & Amaretto and Blackcurrant & Kirsch, that preclude the need for unappetizing synthetic flavours.”
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