Norfolk-based E F Harrold Ltd of Oulton, near Aylsham, has applied for planning permission to build a new 2,200 tonne potato box store according to the Eastern Daily Press.
The development at street farm would include an open loading canopy, an office and machinery store.
A design and access statement presented to Broadland District Council as part of the application says: ‘The business has limited potato storage of its own… Moving all of potatoes directly off the farm at harvest time is a logistical problem, a very inefficient use of labour, due to the sporadic nature of harvest; and with its intensive nature, an intensive use of the local road network.’
Photo Caption: Harvesting potatoes at E F Harrold
Photo Credit: Ben Burgess / Twitter
The post Aylsham potato grower to build new store appeared first on Hort News on 18 April 2018.