According to AHDB Potatoes, scab continues to be a concern for crops of packing potatoes in England.
In its Potato Weekly bulletin last Friday, the organisation said that despite widespread showers, many crops had been burnt off in the east of England. ‘Yields have been good in general with good tuber size and numbers,’ said, adding that ‘scab was common around the early season; however, much of this fear has abated for later crops, although those from the sandier soils are suffering.’
Scab was also reported in the west, along with hollow heart, but was said to be less prevalent in the south of England. ‘In Scotland, many crops were burnt down in readiness for harvesting in the weeks to come and to control oversize tubers in some crops. The first continual supplies of local set-skinned material are now being packed, with quality reported to be excellent,’ the report finished.
Photo Caption: Common scab on potato
Photo Credit: AHDB potatoes
The post Scab continues to be a concern for packing crops appeared first on Hort News on 31 August.